The Center for Esthetic Dentistry
1035 Northeast 6th St., Grants Pass, OR 97526 541-476-8788
Main Webpages
The Center for Esthetic Dentistry | Dentist Grants Pass, OR
Achieve your ideal smile with our expert dentist in Grants Pass, OR, at The Center for Esthetic Dentistry. Comfort, function, and appearance matter to us!
About Us
About Us • Dentist Grants Pass, OR • The Center for Esthetic Dentistry
We want your visit to the Center for Esthetic Dentistry to be a 5-star experience! Call our professionals today to schedule an appointment!
Dental Services
Dental Services • Dentist Grants Pass • The Center for Esthetic Dentistry
Our dental services include preventive, restorative, cosmetic, and emergency dentistry. Call our experts today to schedule your appointment!
For Patients
For Patients • Grants Pass, OR • The Center for Esthetic Dentistry
At The Center for Esthetic Dentistry, we understand that finding a new dentist can be a difficult and important task. Our goal is to make this easier on you!
Contact Us
Contact Us • Dentist Grants Pass, OR • The Center for Esthetic Dentistry
We gladly welcome new patients! Give our office a call to ask about procedures, billing, or any other questions you may have. We're here to help!
Meet the Doctors
Meet the Doctors | Cosmetic Dentistry Grants Pass, OR
Click here to learn about Dr. Darren S. Huddleston, DMD's dental and educational background!
Tour the Office
Our Technology
Our Technology | Dentist Grants Pass, OR
We use state-of-the-art technology to enhance the quality of treatment and provide the most effective results.
Family Dentistry
Family Dentistry | The Center for Esthetic Dentistry
At The Center for Esthetic Dentistry, we offer comprehensive family dentistry in Grants Pass, OR. Gentle care for all ages to keep your family smiling.
Cosmetic Dentistry
Cosmetic Dentistry | Cosmetic Dentist Grants Pass, OR
If you have a crooked bite, crooked teeth, or jawbone structure problems, cosmetic dentistry can help you restore your smile.
Restorative Dentistry
Restorative Dentistry | The Center for Esthetic Dentistry
Restore your smile at The Center for Esthetic Dentistry in Grants Pass, OR. Expert restorative dentistry for lasting function, comfort, and natural beauty.
New Patient Forms
New Patient Forms • Dentist Grants Pass, OR
New patient forms are provided for download online. Print and complete the forms and bring them to your appointment. Call us if you have questions!
Financial and Insurance
Schedule Appointment
Request Appointment • Dentist Grants Pass, OR
Click here to request an appointment today!
Patient Testimonials
Other Webpages
Aesthetic Gum Lift
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Grants Pass, OR |
Are Dental Implants Affordable
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Grants Pass, OR |
Dental Bonding
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Grants Pass, OR |
Dental Bridge
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Grants Pass, OR |
Dental Cleaning
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Grants Pass, OR |
Dental Crown
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Grants Pass, OR |
Dental Exam
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Grants Pass, OR |
Dental Filling
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Dental Implant
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Dental Implant FAQ
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Dental Implant Placement
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Grants Pass, OR |
Dental Implant Procedure
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Grants Pass, OR |
Dental Implant Restoration
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Grants Pass, OR |
Dental Implants vs Mini Implants
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Grants Pass, OR |
Dental Veneers
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Dentist Grants Pass |
Dentistry for Kids
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Grants Pass, OR |
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Grants Pass, OR |
Downtown Grants Pass
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Gold Hill, OR
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How Much Do Dental Implants Cost
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How Much Do Dental Implants Cost? |
Infant Lip%Tongue Tie
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Cosmetic Dentistry Grants Pass, OR |
Inlays and Onlays
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Inlays and Onlays |
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Is Dental Care Affordable
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Is Dental Care Affordable? |
Laser Dentistry
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Merlin, OR
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Mouthguard |
New Hope
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Oral Cancer Screening
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Oral Cancer Screening |
Periodontal Care
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Periodontal Care |
Placing Dental Crowns
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Grants Pass, OR |
Porcelain Crown
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Rogue River, OR
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Root Canal
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Root Canal |
Same Day Crowns
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Same Day Crowns |
Sleep Apnea
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Sleep Apnea |
Smile Makeover
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Smile Makeover |
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Sportsguard |
Teeth Whitening
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Grants Pass, OR |
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Tooth Extraction
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Tooth Extraction |
Veneers vs Dental Crowns
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What Are Veneers
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Grants Pass, OR |
What Problems Can Veneers Correct
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Grants Pass, OR |
Why Choose a Cosmetic Dentist?
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Williams, OR
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