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What Does It Mean When My Lip or Tongue Feels Numb After an Oral Maxillofacial Surgery?

Posted on 3/15/2024 by Weo Admin
Image of an oral surgery. The main cause of numbness of the tongue or lips after surgery is nerve damage and inflammation. However, full sensation should be regained after a few weeks.

What Causes Numbness After an Oral Maxillofacial Surgery?

Surgeons may accidentally damage nerves during face, jaw, or mouth surgeries. A nerve may be scratched, retracted, cut, or trapped in a joint or fracture during surgery. At other times, surgical operations disturb the nerves around the surgical site, causing inflammation. This damage or inflammation of nerves causes a burning or tingling sensation and, at times, a total loss of sensation.

Lower jaw surgeries usually cause numbness in the lower lip and tongue, while upper jaw surgeries often result in numbness in the nasal tissue and eyelids. More invasive oral maxillofacial surgeries, such as Maxillo Mandibular Advancement Surgeries (MMAS), which involve both jaws, can cause extensive numbness around the entire face region.

When Will Post-Surgery Numbness Go Away?

It is normal for your chin or lip to feel numb 24 hours after surgery. In some cases, the numbness lasts for up to 3 days. In cases where nerves are inadvertently cut during surgery, numbness can last up to several weeks. Post-surgery numbness that does not go away after a month warrants assessment, as this points to severe nerve damage. Contact us now if you suspect your nerves were severely damaged during surgery.

Can Damaged Nerves Be Repaired?

Nerve cells regenerate at a pace of about an inch per month. So, your damaged nerve may repair itself. However, in the case of complete nerve damage, when both the nerve sheath and neurons are damaged, there is a risk that complete repair and recovery are not possible. However, most surgeons look out for damaged nerves after surgery and repair them to prevent complete nerve damage, which can cause permanent loss of sensation.

Contact Us Today

Contact us today for a consultation on various oral maxillofacial surgery issues. If you feel numb several days after surgery, then contact us for nerve damage assessment.

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